Sunday 24 February 2013

Gajar Ka Halwa


  1. Carrot- 2 kg                                                           
  2.  Khowa- ½ kg                                  
  3. Ghee- 200 gm                                                                       
  4. Sugar- ½ kg                                                                  
  5. Almonds- 50 gm                                                                      
  6. Pista-50 gm                                                                                         
  7. Saffron or saffron color- ¼ tsp      


  • Peel off skin of carrot, wash and grate it. Keep it aside.
  • Add ½ cup water to khowa and cook until it turns light brown. (keep it steering continuously)
  • Then add 2 cup water and saffron or saffron color to sugar and cook till it comes to boil. Your sugar syrup is ready.
  • Now add the sugar syrup to khowa and cook for 2 mins and mix well. Keep this aside.
  •  Put a vessel on stove and pour ghee. To this add the grated carrot and fry till this till water dries and ghee gets separated (keep steering continuously).
  • To this add the sugar and khowa mix and cook until the water dries and ghee gets separated ( keep steering continuously).
  • Gajar ka halwa is ready. Garnish it with almonds and pista.


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